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Modified nano zinc oxide

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Product description
English name: Modified nano zinc oxide
Modifier: Stearic acid
Technical indicators: Main content (in terms of Zn) mass fraction ≥ 50%
Stearic acid mass fraction: 3% to 15%
Activation index ≥ 0.9
Sulfate (in terms of SO4) mass fraction ≤ 0.5%
(Cd) mass fraction ≤ 0.008%
(Pb) mass fraction ≤ 0.008%
Physicochemical properties: White fine amorphous powder. The powder has good fluidity and can float in cold water and sink to the bottom in hot water or organic solvents. The surface is carbonized when the temperature is higher than 200 °C.
Main use: It has the properties of nano zinc oxide and stearic acid, so it can be better applied to organic products. Used as a reinforcing agent and vulcanization accelerator in rubber products.
Storage method: Store in a cool, ventilated, dry warehouse. Can not be stored and mixed with acid and alkali products and organic solvents. Pay attention to moisture, and protect it from rain, moisture, sun and heat during transportation. In the event of fire, sand and fire extinguishers can be used to save.
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